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Advanced Photonix

Advanced Photonix
Advanced Photonix - Advanced Photonix is a leading supplier of opto-electronic solutions and Terahertz sensors and instrumentation to a global OEM customer base. Our solutions are based on our patented high speed optical receivers in III-V materials in APD and PIN configurations and silicon Large Area Avalanche Photodiode (LAAPD), PIN photodiode and FILTRODE® detectors. The Terahertz sensor product line is targeted to the Non-Destructive Testing (including Baggage/Cargo Scanning) and Quality Control markets. Our served markets are: Telecom, Homeland Security, Military, Medical, and Industrial/NDT.

제품 카테고리

광전자 공학
센서, 트랜스 듀서
개발 보드, 키트, 프로그래머