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Bluetechnix Argos3D-P100 Short Range Starter Kit

Author : Bluetechnix Published Time : 2018-03-12
Bluetechnix Argos3D-P100 Short Range Starter Kit is based on Argos3D-P100 Time-of-Flight (ToF) smart camera and allows fast and cost-effective evaluation for a variety of applications. This starter kit features up to 160fps speed, plug-and-play capability, <10cm close range operation, passive cooling, and an external sync interface. The Argos3D-P100 starter kit provides a frame rate of up to 15fps which allows it to carry out fast evaluation for various applications. This starter kit combines the camera speed with software and tools including Matlab, ROS, Halcon, and Metricam to implement feasibility studies, prototypes, and demonstrators.


Up to 160fps speedPlug-and-playCompatible with a wide range of software toolsUp to 15fps frame rate




Distance measurementCounting objects3D safety zoneRobot navigationRobotics