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Fanstel BT832 Evaluation Boards

Author : Fanstel Published Time : 2018-07-31
Fanstel BT832 Evaluation Boards are for the evaluation of BT832 Bluetooth 5 modules. The boards come preloaded with BlueNor nRF5x application and SoftDevice S132 V5.0.0 Bluetooth 5 stacks. The boards can be used with Android app BlueNor nrf5x. Send commands from an Android phone to toggle LED lights on the evaluation board. Send a button pressing signal from the evaluation board back to an Android device. SDK and Android app source codes are available for download in the Bluetooth 5 Codes section of Download BlueNor Document. Other application codes can be downloaded from the same webpage. To load other codes a Nordic nRF52 DK is required but not included.